CanFix Emergency Repair Kit

CanFix Emergency Repair Kit



Approved and used by the US Navy and Coast Guard!

CanFix Emergency Repair Kit is a complete system for making emergency repairs to a wide variety of pipe materials CanFix consists of a patented, fiberglass cloth impregnated with water activated resin that sets in minutes with no measuring, mixing, or messy cleanup. Each kit contains a roll of CanFix cloth, a two part epoxy for filling and sealing, a pair of latex gloves, and complete instructions for use.

IMPA Packaging Weight (lb) Weight (kg)
81 23 61 6 packs per box: 2″ X 4′ for pipe diameter 0.5" – 1" 1.2 lbs 0.5 kg
81 23 65 6 packs per box: 3″ X 9′ for pipe diameter 1″ – 2″ 2.3 lbs   1 kg
81 23 63 6 packs per box: 4″ X 12′ for pipe diameter 4″ and up        3.4 lbs 1.5 kg


  • Riser Exhaust
  • Leaking Hydraulic Lines
  • Water Cooling Hoses & Fluid Lines
  • Leaking Steam Lines & Fittings
  • Corrosion Protection Coating
  • Repair Broken Tool Handles, etc.
  • Emergency Repairs to Fuel Lines


  • Max. Pres. Retained (8 layers applied) 1,000 psi
  • Tensile Strength 24,900 psi
  • Flexural Strength 16,100 psi
  • Compression Strength 26,600 psi
  • Dielectric Strength 16,060 volts
  • Heat Resistance 500°F (intermittent)
  • Colour White or grey
  • Setting Time @ 70°F 30 mins
  • Setting Time @ 42°F 3 hours
  • Setting Time @ 35°F 6.5 hours

Application Instructions

  1. Release water pressure if applicable
  2. Clean and roughen area to be repaired
  3. Press epoxy into crack or crevice to be repaired
  4. Wearing enclosed gloves, soak CanFix Tape in temperate water for 20 seconds
  5. Using entire roll, wrap CanFix approx. 2.0 in. above repair area and continue wrapping approx. 2.0 in. below repair
  6. Squeeze and mold CanFix in the direction of the wrap, removing excess water and spreading resin until tacky to the touch
  7. Allow 30 minutes to completely cure (@ 70°F)

View more about CanFix Emergency Repair Kit on main site