Range: 10 - 15NM at 0.74T
Ideal for: main and standby lighting compliance with North Sea regulations
The Duplex FA250EX962 Lantern System is a marine obstruction beacon that features a 10NM and 15NM FA250EX962 flashing lantern (1 each) mounted on a galvanized steel stanchion. The system accommodates all the statutory requirements for offshore structures and is certified for operation in Zone 1 hazardous areas. It is compliant with IALA/North Sea requirements and is ATEX certified Ex ‘d’ IIB T4/T5/T6.
- All serviceable components on tower
- Up to 1640 ft. separation between LED engine and power supply
- Patented optics eliminate ground scatter
- Patented heat pipe thermal management system eliminates need for moving parts; this highly efficient, passive cooling system gives the LED array the highest design life in the marketplace (greater than 60,000 hours)
EC-Type Examination Certificate
Certificate No.: Intertek ITS10ATEX17118X
Coding: II 2 G Ex d IIB T4/5/6
Certificate No.: IECEx ITS 10.0040X
Coding: Ex d IIB T4/5/6 Tamb -20°C/-40°C to +40°C/+55°C Gb
(Dependent on Model)
Epsilon IP Certificate Number: 04TEST1386
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