A 624 SX Supra

A 624 SX Supra

Category: Klingspor Abrasive


Advantages: For universal use on all rail types - Top performing product for lower powered machines (<5kW) and hard rails - Fast cutting, due to softer bond - For use on gas powered cutting-off machines with a cutting speed of 100 m/s and clamping device
Diameter​/mm Thickness​/mm Bore​/mm Form​ Vmax​ m/s Max. RPM​ structural shape​ Cat.number  
305 3.5 22.23 H 100 6,400 flat 353111
356 4 22.23 H 100 5,500 flat 351433
356 4 25.4 H 100 5,500 flat 340641
406 4 25.4 H 100 4,800 flat 351436

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