BRS 600 Z

BRS 600 Z

Category: Klingspor Abrasive


Advantages: Knotted design for rough brushing work and long service life - For efficient work in hard-to-reach areas such as grooves, flutes, depressions - Deburring of cut edges, removal of scale, paint, slag
Diameter​/mm Width​/mm Length​/mm Shaft diameter​/mm Max. RPM​ structure​ Quantity rows​ Quantity knots​ Thread length​/mm Thread material​ Thread strength​/mm Cat.number  
75 12 37 6 25,000 high-strength, straight 1 15 19 Steel 0.5 358320
75 12 37 6 25,000 high-strength, straight 1 15 19 Stainless steel 0.5 358321

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